Taoist techniques & Principles and Restful sleep

Weekly Newsletter no.924: 

Taoist techniques & Principles and Restful sleep

Dear Reader, 

In this edition of our weekly e- newsletter, we'll explore Taoist Techniques & Principles and Restful sleep 

Taoism offers a unique approach to achieving restful sleep through various techniques and practices rooted in its philosophical and spiritual principles.

We will be exploring [Ultra Briefly]:
(1)  Relaxation Progression (Sleeping Yoga) 

(2) Breathwork: 

(3) Water Presence 

(4) Gratitude: 

(5) Tranquil Sitting: 

(6) Daoist Tricks 

(7) Acupressure 

(8) Meditation and Sleep 

(9) Wu-Wei (Doing Nothing) 


Here are the 9 key aspects of Taoist methods for improving sleep quality: 

(1) Relaxation Progression (Sleeping Yoga)
The Relaxation Progression, also known as "Sleeping Yoga," is a technique that involves a series of steps to relax the body and mind.
It begins by lying flat on your back with a pillow under your knees if needed.

Start by relaxing your feet, then move up to your calves, knees, upper legs, hips, lower back, entire spine, abdomen, chest and ribs, upper back, neck, face, and head.

Each body part should be relaxed for at least five seconds before moving on to the next one.

This process helps to release tension and promote deep relaxation. 

Each body part should be relaxed for at least five seconds before moving on to the next one. This process helps to release tension and promote deep relaxation

(2) Breathwork:
Deep breathing is another crucial aspect of Taoist sleep practices.

It involves breathing deeply and softly, almost silently, so as not to disturb a cobweb floating in front of you.

This helps to slow down Beta brainwaves and transition into Alpha, Theta, and eventually Delta brainwaves, which are associated with deep sleep and dreaming.

Additional Tips:
(3) Water Presence:
Having a bowl of water at head-level near your bed can enhance the calming presence and promote restful sleep.

(4) Gratitude:
Expressing gratitude for the rest you received upon waking up can help the brain deal with contradictions and maintain a positive outlook.

(5) Tranquil Sitting:
The "tranquillity and reverence" method, derived from Chinese Confucian ethics, involves a tranquil sitting intervention program that has been shown to improve sleep quality in isolated university students.

This method emphasizes the importance of "tranquility" and can be applied as an Internet-based or onsite intervention.

(6) Daoist Tricks
Calm the Five Senses:
Avoid loud music, conversation, and electronic screens before bed. Instead, use houseplants to filter the air and reduce electromagnetic activity. Wear loose pajamas and avoid sleeping on your stomach.

(7) Acupressure:
Apply pressure to specific points like Nei Guan, Yin Tang, and Dan Zhong to calm the spirit, quiet the mind, and relieve stress.

(8) Meditation and Sleep
Meditation can play a significant role in improving sleep quality by promoting relaxation, calming the mind, and engaging the parasympathetic nervous system. Gratitude-based practices, visualization routines, and breathing exercises can all contribute to a restful and rejuvenating sleep experience.

(9) Wu-Wei (Doing Nothing)
The concept of Wu-Wei, or "doing nothing," is rooted in Taoist philosophy and emphasizes the importance of allowing natural processes to unfold without interference.
This can be applied to sleep by simply letting go of distractions and allowing the body to rest and repair itself.

By incorporating these Taoist techniques and principles into your daily routine, you can improve the quality of your sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements in your sleep health. 

Wishing you peaceful nights ahead and energized mornings!

See you on Next Monday, 

This is Looi Kwok Wah Signing off


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The information provided in this newsletter is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.

Consult a medical doctor IF your sleep issue persisted more than 6 months and is affecting your health or Work performance
