Your Restful Sleep game plan : Transform your sleep experience by Changing your Mindset

Weekly Newsletter no.903 

Your Restful Sleep game plan : Transform your sleep experience by Changing your Mindset 

In these Weekly Newletter, we will be covering :
1) The bird eye view on " Restful Sleep game plan" 

2) Mindset for Restful Sleep 

3) Mental lid  preventing you attaining Restful Sleep 

4) Transform your Sleep experience by Changing your Mindset

1) The bird eye view on " Restful Sleep game plan" 

▪︎ These Newsletter will served to provide you with the Knowledge & Insights needed for your game plan to Turn On Restful Sleep on demand. 

▪︎ These is very much a akin to a treasure map 

▪︎ Your treasure is, Turn On Restful Sleep on demand from within 

▪︎ To begin, you need to have 3 important information: 

i) Where you currently are in the Treasure Map =》 Your Sleep Health as determined by your Uninterrupted  Sleep quality and Duration of Sleep. Please refer to Newsletter 902 on What is Sleep Health 

ii) Where is the Treasure located in the treasure map =》 How Restful sleep to you look like? Your Goals and expectations. 

iii) The Obstacles and challenges along your route to where the treasure is hidden.

2) The Mindset for Restful Sleep 

Know that The Distance/ Gap between Restful Sleep [ What you want] and Reality [Restless sleep] is ACTION. 

Let these sink into your consciousness. 

There is a difference between  just "wanting  " and "commited".
I want to have Restful Sleep 》 May not necessarily be willing to go all in to do What it takes to experience Restful Sleep 

I am commited to have a Restful sleep 》  will to do whatever it takes.... 

Yes it takes plenty of Discipline, it may not be comfortable. It will  inconvinient you. But the reward is great 

However , If you are commited to do it, your transformation will be  Irreversible.
Just like, from a  Caterpillar to  a Butterfly,  the change is Irreversible. 

Have you regularly done your daily Sleep dairy  that served to inform you your current position and progress over time?
To review your sleep progress, you need to fill in accurate information into your Sleep Dairy 

Knowledge/ Insights  × No action = Zero 

Anything multiply by 0 = 0

Also, You don't want to have BMW
B = Bitching       ]
M = Mourning    ]  Regarding your Sleep
W = Whining      ]      Issues 

You begets more of what you focused your mind on. You become what you Think 

Empty Your cup. Be Open
In order for you to sleep Restfully, You got to be willing to  Learn, Unlearn and Relearn 

Herein, 5 reasons WHY  people get STUCK with their Sleep issues - Unable to  Turn On Restful Sleep, Why all else failed. 

(i) Self Limiting belief 》 Don't belief that it can work for you 

(ii) Poor Attitude》 Don't believe enough, that you deserve to have Restful sleep 

(iii)  Mindset Gap 》 We don't know, what we don't know. Think incorrectly and makes bad decisions

(iv) Poor self management. Can't make yourself to do the work you know you ought to do ie Do regular Sleep Diary. 

(v)  Have Undiagnosed underlying medical problem. Over reliance on Do It Yourself DIY 

I can evolve, I can change.
I am Unstoppable, I can have Restful sleep  now 

You need to 
》 Build an Unstoppable belief in yourself that you Can, and Deserve Restful Sleep 

》 Remove any Mental lid that incapacitate you from experiencing Restful sleep 

》 Get the best out of yourself, have a powerful  sleep transformational experience 

》 Be in a Community for Accountability 

》 Keep evolving 

》 Seek medical Attention especially when the problem have persisted for more than 6 months and have affected your work productivity, reduced your attention and concentration span
~ To make sure that there is No undiagnosed underlying Medical problems ie Obstructive Sleep Apneo,

(3) Mental lid  preventing you attaining Restful Sleep: 

Until Bob Hayes in April 1963 did it, No one thinks any trained athelete could run the 100 meters Under 10 seconds. 

Thereafter,  many others followed - break these 10 second psychological barrier 

Any Mental, Physical and Emotional Limits are merely mental lids that we placed on ourselves 

Sure, you have tried many methods to  sleep restfully before, and have failed.
Because of these accumulated past failed experiences, you Think nothing can work for you.》 Mental Lid 

Break free from such Mindset

Yes, It takes Courage, Discipline and Self belief. 

Knowing and seeing others did it, will spark the hope that IT is possible 

Join a supportive community to cheer you on, to celebrate your small wins and for accountability

4) Transform your Sleep experience by Changing your Mindset: 

Identified and List down your mental lids regarding Restful Sleep, Clearly

Here is How  you can build an Unstoppable belief / mindset by
Using the "Borrowed Belief" method: 

IF I can [ previous success] , I can also [ my Unstoppable belief] 

Think and Reflect on one previous experience that you have done well or Overcome.

Write down one  specific Unstoppable belief that you want to build by [date] 

Hold on to the Thought 

If I can [ Previous experience & feeling of overcome] , I can also [ my specific belief]
Better Today than Yesterday, easily and effortlessly 

Than, proceed to 

1) Find a quiet place, Sits upright comfortably
2) Closed your eyes
3)  Relax all your body muscles - Feel
4) Do slow deep  breathing in and out through your nostril for 19 times OR until you feel relax and your mind is focused and still
5) Reflect with your mind and Feel with your heart,  IF I  can previously……. , I can also Now..…..; Clearly and Confidently
6) When you are done,  slowly open your eyes 

Repeat (1) to (6) Daily Once, best If you can fixed a time daily to do it 

Do what it takes until you feel the Unstoppable belief growing in you, Continue on 

Hope you have enjoyed reading these e- Newsletter as I have enjoyed writing it 

Next Monday at 2133 hour [GMT+8], the  weekly e-Newsletter no 904 will be published 

Till than

To your happiness and Success 

Here is Looi Kwok Wah Signing of