Discover Objectively, IF you can Sleep Restfully at night. What is your Restful Sleep Score?

Weekly Newsletter no.910 ~ 17th June, 2024

Discover Objectively, IF you can Sleep Restfully at night.
What is your Restful Sleep Score? 

Dear Reader, 

In these Weekly e-Newletter, we will be covering; Your Restful Sleep Score : 

Restful sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being. 

Therefore ascertaining your Restful Sleep Score is crucial. 

First it objectively demonstrate to  you IF You have Restful Sleep OR having Sleep Challenges. 

Next, it tells you the severity of Sleeping challenges, You have

In this newsletter, we will
(1) Explore How to assess your Restful Sleep Score via the 9 Questions Survey and

(2) Provide a Practical Action Plan to improve your sleep quality 》 Improve your Restful Sleep Score over time using the Restful Sleep Score progress Chart


Understanding the Restful Sleep Score 

▪︎ The Restful Sleep Score is a measure of the quality of your sleep experience. 

▪︎ It is calculated based on the accumulated score from a 9 Questions Survey,  rooted to the time spent in deep and REM sleep, the time spend in  between sleep and the time spent awake. 

▪︎  The total score is out of 27, with higher scores indicating poor sleep quality.

Factors Affecting the Restful Sleep Score include: 

(1) Time Spent in Deep and REM Sleep:
▪︎ Deep and REM sleep are crucial for physical and mental restoration.
▪︎ The More time you spend in these stages, the lower your score will be. 

(2) Time Spent Awake:
▪︎ The Less time you spend awake during the night, the lower your score will be. 

3. Sleep Stages:
▪︎ The quality of your sleep stages, such as light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep, also affects your score. 

4. Sleep Hygiene:
▪︎ Good sleep Hygiene Practices, such as
》 M

aintaining a consistent sleep schedule
》 Creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and
》 Avoiding screens before bed, can lower your score

Instruction :
▪︎ Answer ALL the 9 Questions in the Restful Sleep Survey as truthful to your sleep experience as possible. 

▪︎ Tabulate up the Score
▪︎ Copy and paste the 9 questions  and Date it for future use

Herein, the Restful Sleep Survey Questionnaire: 

Q1. On average, how long does it take for you to fall asleep each night?
1 = Within 1/2 hour
2 = Between 1/2 to 1 hour
3  = > 1 hour

Q2. How often do you wake up during the night?
1 = 1 time or none at all
2 =  2  to 3 times
3  = 4  or  more times

Q3. How frequently do you experience difficulty falling back asleep after waking up during the night?
1 = None
2 = Sometimes
3=  Most of the time

Q4. How often do you experience nightmares or vivid dreams that affect your sleep quality?
1 = None
2 =  Occasionally
3 =  Often

Q5. How many hours of sleep do you typically get per night?
1 = Between 7 to 8 hours
2 =  Between 4 to 6 hours 59 mins
3 = 3 hours 59 mins or less

Q6. Do you feel refreshed and alert when you wake up in the morning?
1 = Almost  Always
2 = Sometimes
3=  Rarely or None

Q7. How often do you use sleep aids such as medication or alcohol to help you fall asleep?
1 = Never
2 = Sometimes
3 = Often

Q8. How often do you feel sleepy or lethargic during the day?
1 = Never
2 = Sometimes
3 = Always 

Q9. How would you describe your overall sleep quality?
1 = Great
2 = Average
3 = Bad

▪︎ If Your score is 9,
Congratulations, You are  in the 2 in 5 category of all working adults who Experienced Restful Sleep  at night 

▪︎ If your score fall between 10 to 27, You have Sleeping Issues 

▪︎ If you Score fall Between
》 10 to 15 ;  Your Sleeping Difficulty is Mild 

》 16 to 21; Your Sleeping challenges are Moderate 

》 22 to 27; Your Sleeping Challenges are  Severe

***Scores 9 = Sleep Restfully*** 

Scores 10 and more 》 Have some degree of Sleep Difficulties

What is your Restful Sleep questionaire score? 

Tabulate your Restful Sleep Score over Time:

Date                    Restful Sleep Score
10/06/2024                 18
11/06/2024                 19
12/06/2024                 17 

Plot a graph;
X axis = Date and
y axis = Restful sleep score

(1) Before Score  [baseline]: 

Improving Your Restful Sleep Score:
▪︎ To improve your Restful Sleep Score, consider the these 7 Restful Sleep Action plan: 

1. Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule:
▪︎ Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends. 

2. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine: ▪︎ Engage in calming activities before bed, such as reading or  meditation. 

3. Avoid Screens Before Bed:
▪︎ The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with your sleep.
▪︎ Try to avoid screens for at least an hour before bedtime. 

4. Cool Down Your Bedroom:
▪︎ Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet to promote better sleep. 

5. Practice Good Sleep Hygiene:
▪︎ Avoid stimulating activities before bed, and try to relax before sleep. 

6. Consider Sleep Aids:
▪︎ If you have trouble sleeping, consider using sleep aids like melatonin or a sleep mask. 

7. Track Your Sleep:
▪︎ Use a sleep tracker or app to monitor your sleep patterns and identify areas for improvement.

(2) After Implementing the Restful Sleep CheckList
▪︎ After 8 weeks scores: 

▪︎ After 16 weeks Scores 

▪︎ After 24 weeks Scores 

Record your Restful Sleep Score every morning after you awakened.

Using the Restful Sleep Score - Time Chart, Demonstrate IF your Sleep Experience have Changed over Time

Wishing you peaceful nights ahead and energized mornings!

See you on Next Monday, 

This is Looi Kwok Wah Signing off 


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The information provided in this newsletter is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.

Consult a medical doctor IF your sleep issue persisted more than 6 months and is affecting your health or Work performance 
